November 04, 2025
One Farrer Hotel, Singapore
Who we are: We are a leading global technology-enabled liquidity provider, specialized in Exchange Traded Products (ETPs). Our trading desks in Europe, the Americas and Asia provide liquidity across all major exchanges, globally, 24 hours a day. Founded in 2004, we continue to cultivate the entrepreneurial, innovative and team-oriented culture that has been with us since the beginning. What we do: As a technology company operating in a financial services industry, we use our proprietary technology platform to quote bid and ask prices in thousands of ETP listings, as well as similar financial products. We also provide liquidity to institutional counterparties off-exchange across all regions. Liquidity provision makes markets more efficient and transparent, promoting better execution quality and lower overall trading costs for market participants. As a principal trading firm, we trade for our own account and own risk only. We do not have clients, nor do we provide any investment services or ancillary services to others. Our strategies are designed to use information that is publicly available and we use fairly simple, non-controversial and transparent order types. We are a strong supporter of fair, transparent and orderly markets. We do not have a directional opinion on the markets and aim to be hedged perfectly and instantaneously. This focus on risk management is at the heart of our organization, and our risk functions are closely integrated into our platform.